"I Saw You" In Some Pretty Red Polka-Dotted Shoes

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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Launchpad: OFF and Negative Approach

You: female, blonde dreads, a nose piercing, and a stitched up Despise You shirt. I was the creep staring all night. I should have said hello. I desperately want to listen to powerviolence with you.

Endeavour and Boeing 747 in flight…

I saw you, Endeavour, on my way home. Perched atop the back of that Boeing 747. You conjured up nightmarish images of Danny DeVito mounting Nicole Kidman.

Long Haired Blonde at Thrift Town

We talked briefly in the store Wednesday, September 19th at about 10:30 am. I thought you were looking for a lost child. Turned out you had lost track of your girlfriend. I knew I had seen you before, and I had, on television last year. You’re very telegenic and I want to have coffee/lunch/dinner with you to talk about a project I’m working on in which you could assist.

Sexy Flamenca

It was love at first sight when I saw you dancing flamenco in some pretty red polka-dotted shoes. It made me want to take a class and dance sevillanas with you! I asked if I could treat you to gelato, but I was really hoping to get some private lessons. You told me I looked like the Mexican actor Gael García Bernal. To me you looked like the sexiest woman I had ever seen. I love you mi linda, let’s dance together the rest of our lives!
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