Letters: Programs, People, Programs!, Don’t Douche In Polite Company, Haiku Trickery

Programs, People, Programs

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I do understand I’m reading the Alibi which is a foolish attempt to mimic Mad or Cracked magazines. I usually don’t get [past] Odds and Ends (skipping that stupid ¡Ask a Mexican!), but today I had extra time, and I found myself regrettably venturing beyond my comfort zone. Once there, I found “Clash of the Governators” [Opinion, Sept. 9-15.].

I take it [Ortiz y] Pino doesn’t plan to vote for Martinez. But to draw comparisons between New Mexico and Arizona’s new law on immigration when it hasn’t gotten out of the court [is] ridiculous. He calls Arizona’s new law on immigration a “notorious anti-immigrant bill." This is exactly why immigration has become a hot button. No one I’ve talked to or listened to on a news programs is anti-immigration. They are anti-illegal immigration. They favor a controlled immigration flow as opposed to 20 million at a time.

[Ortiz y] Pino and others like him try to label people as racists and bigots because their views are different than his. His kind tries to embarrass people so they will shut up. What is wrong with controlling our immigration? He complains that Arizona’s right-wing forces slashed programs and services rather than raise taxes. I say good for them. How have programs heaped upon programs helped the population at large? The high school dropout rate is alarmingly high for an economy needing educated workers. Programs haven’t slowed the teen birth rate.

Mr. [Ortiz y] Pino and his kind are always quick to throw everyone else’s money at some program. If he believes in paying higher taxes, then maybe the IRS can work something out with him. Otherwise, stay out of my wallet. Government’s job is to provide basic services, not be a support system for those who won’t help themselves. Programs teach people there is an easier way other than paying attention in school instead of texting.

Sure there are people who genuinely need help, especially those with physical limitations. But I see quite a few people in the UNM area confined to wheelchairs on their way to school or work. I have nothing but respect for these folks, and if they need a little help, they deserve it. I have no sympathy for an idiot who had less than a 75 percent grade average in high school. These are the people I want to see picking up roadside trash and raking weeds. But all too often they’re the one’s too hung-over to get out of bed but not tired enough to procreate. These are the people sucking up resources that could and should go to the truly needy.

People say that illegal aliens help the economy because they pay taxes, when in fact most of them don’t make enough to pay taxes other than for things like food and medicine. But all too often the money for these items comes from programs. So, who does that help? How are these low-wage earners paying their way for everything that is provided like police and fire services? I would never attempt to speak with [Ortiz y] Pino. I believe it would be too boring. But, there is one thing I’d like to tell him and that is to keep your filthy hands out of my pockets.

Letters: Don’t Douche In Polite Company Don’t Douche In Polite Company

You asked for comments regarding whether or not the word douche is offensive to women [ Letters, Sept. 9-15].

Of course I am not offended even though I am sure I have been called douche once or twice. The is a very old term for jerks, male and female. In my time long ago the word was "douche bag," an ugly contraption used for feminine hygiene I have not seen for many years. Over time, it was shortened to "douche." It is a rude word I would not use, just as I would not refer to anyone as a prick (even if the term was well deserved) in polite company.

Letters: Haiku Trickery Haiku Trickery

[Feature, “Ha-Ha-Hai-Ku!,” Sept. 9-15] “The Sallie Mae Experience” and "Death Poem": Isn’t naming your haiku cheating, just a little? I thought the point was to express your thought in three lines. Just sayin’.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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