Letters: Stop Excluding Small Parties, Ye Olde New Mexican Debate, A Stuttering Psa

Small Parties

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Your column [News Feature, “It Ain’t Easy Being Green,” Oct. 14-20] is totally correct about New Mexico excluding small or minority political parties. There is a great need to get better candidates, in the PRC for example, county commissions, Congress and, of course, governors and legislators in Santa Fe. Given what other states do now, New Mexico has to change. Perhaps the next governor, Susana Martinez, will address the issue, but laws are needed to change the practices of the secretary of state.

Letters: Ye Olde New Mexican Debate Ye Olde New Mexican Debate

[Feature, “The Mexican Asks a New Mexican,” March 11-17] I really enjoyed this column and I am so glad you know your history. I wish more New Mexicans had a chance to visit Spain so they could realize that Mexicans and New Mexicans are the same people!

However, as an LALS major and Mexican-American feminist, I must add that La Malinche was no traitor. La Malinche saved her people from the Aztecs, who held a hegemony throughout the territory and demanded tribute from other Native tribes.

Letters: International Stuttering Awareness Day International Stuttering Awareness Day

If speech therapy was good enough for King George VI, it’s good enough for us!

With the release of the new movie
The King’s Speech , it’s a great time to highlight International Stuttering Awareness Day, Oct. 22, and let readers know that there are speech-language pathologists in your area who specialize in helping people who stutter.

The nonprofit Stuttering Foundation provides a free list of local therapists for your readers at our website—stutteringhelp.org—or they may call (800) 992-9392.

The same dread King George VI felt about speaking in public was also felt by our founder Malcolm Fraser and many others in the ’30s and ’40s. However, today’s research shows that stuttering does indeed have a biological cause and can be effectively treated.

Thank you for helping us reach those who stutter in your community.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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