"I Saw You" At Powdrell’s

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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"All I know is that I am constantly intrigued by something I’m doing." –William Shatner | Reply for free or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.


Dear Gustavo Arellano, You OFTEN make broad, sweeping false statements that make you look ill-informed. Islam didn’t rule over ALL of Spain for 700 years; only over the southern 2/3rds. You could have said that Mexicans have some of the same DNA as those who accompanied Hannibal and brought Rome to her knees; fought and defeated Rome for 200 years; who gave Rome two of her five best emperors (Trajan & Hadrian) & most of Rome’s Golden Age’s finest writers, but you always go on racist tangent.
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Powdrell’s girl

You’re the pretty girl at Powdrell’s who double-bagged my load of food and offered me ketchup packets just in case. I’m the guy who walked away intrigued and wanting to know more.
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Oh my goodness! Buffalo Exchange

A few months past I tried to return a shirt that had a note slipped in the pocket, but your manager screwed it all because I had lost my receipt. I am going broke buying useless shirts. Who in their right mind walks into Buffalo Exchange three times a day? Let’s get dressed up and go to the opera, or at least sit for tea.
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