Reel World

Devin D. O'Leary
3 min read
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Gone Again—The Big Screen Classics series at Santa Fe's Lensic Performing Arts Center returns this weekend with one of the biggest classics of all time. The 1938 epic Gone With the Wind will screen on Saturday, Nov. 6, at 7 p.m. Tickets are a mere $5 and can be obtained by calling the Lensic box office at (505) 988-1234. The Lensic is located at 211 W. San Francisco.

Reel World

Filmmaking Fundamentals—Sol Arts Multiversity Seminar Series will present a three-week “Fundamentals of Indy Filmmaking” workshop with local writer/director/actor Billy Garberina. The class is described as a “soup to nuts” look at the world of truly independent film–from scripting to casting to directing to editing to distribution and beyond. Garberina boasts over 15 years experience in live theater and five years as an independent filmmaker. Garberina wrote and directed the feature film comedy Collecting Rooftops and will soon start work on his next feature (which he promises will feature leprechauns). “Fundamentals of Indy Filmmaking” will take place on Mondays, Nov. 8, 15 and 22. Cost is $45 per person. Sol Arts Gallery and Performance is located at 712 Central SE. To register, call 244-0049.

Reel World

Web Slingers—If you are a local independent filmmaker, by the way, be sure and check out It's a brand new online indie film cooperative. The makers of the site believe that “a successful film community encompasses people of all talents, like writers, actors, producers, retailers, promoters, graphic designers, traditional artists, web designers, reporters, etc.” and they hope that the website “will become a collaborative effort to network all types of people involved in all aspects of making a successful film.” It's a fine idea, and one that could serve the community well. All of Albuquerque's communities (from the artists to the musicians to the filmmakers) suffer from a disenfranchised feeling. There are plenty of people in Albuquerque interested in low-budget/no-budget filmmaking. If they can just figure out a way to work together and share resources, they'll be on their way to setting themselves up with a nice indie cottage industry. To these ends, provides articles, photo albums, resource links, event calendars and online forums to discuss a wide variety of topics. Post your casting calls, beg for a light kit, look up a recipe for fake blood, locate a good composer, find out if anybody knows where to get cheap DVD duplication. Use it or lose it, people! That's my advice.

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