This Week In Ladies: Tina Fey On Snl

Edith P. Giblets
2 min read
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Last night I was at a BBQ at a friend’s house when a new acquaintance said, “God, who watches ‘Saturday Night Live’ anymore?” Answer: people who do not go out on Saturday nights past 10:30 because that’s really late and there’s early morning gardening and muffin-making to do. Answer: me.

Anyway, Tina Fey was the host of SNL this weekend. She is, obviously, super. Her superness has become so well known that if you are a white lady aged 19-50 who wears glasses and has half a brain that you use to talk about dumb shit you hate, someone is gonna call you Tina Fey, even if you’ve had this schtick for years before she was on t.v. but whatever.

Some of the topics on ladyblogs (
Jezebel and Feministe, not Rachael Ray’s Pasta are picking the episode apart, wondering: Good for Feminism? or Bad for Feminism?

Exhibit A: “Brownie Husband.” Reinforcing or making fun of stereotypes about single women in their thirties? My vote? The latter. Also, really hilarious.

Exhibit B: Fey calling Bombshell McGee a slut on Weekend Update. My vote? Not great for feminism. She goes after an admittedly slutty woman but leaves the uber-slut dude Jesse James alone, underscoring the old belief that men are going to cheat only if slutty women make them.

Here’s the discussion thread on
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