Webgame Wednesday: Adventure Time’s Ninja Castle

Devin D. O'Leary
1 min read
Webgame Wednesday: Adventure TimeÕs Ninja Castle
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What if they held a 48-hour video game programming contest dedicated entirely to Cartoon Network’s awesome series "Adventure Time"? Good news! They did! The Adventure Time Game Jam just wrapped up, resulting in dozens of Finn-and-Jake-centric games. As is typical for this kind of thing, most of the games are short and rather unpolished. But there are a few gems mixed in there. A lot of the games require downloads, but there are a handful of Flash-based titles. Among the standouts is Ninja Castle. In this clever puzzle game, Finn and Jake must navigate the castle of the Ninja King and beat him up. You move the heroes by clicking on adjacent rooms. The objective is to maneuver them so they both reach the Ninja King at the same time. The mechanics take a moment or two to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a colorful little mindbender.
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