Though we’re not crazy about the Municipal Bond Question that gives $50 million to the mega Paseo construction project, the Alibi supports almost all of the other bonds on the ballot. Bond Questions A, B and C allow for improvements to senior citizen facilities, libraries and higher education improvements. Bernalillo County Bond Questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 also go to libraries, recreation facilities, county buildings and property, and repairing storm drains. But what about County Bond Question 5, you ask? There’s the rub. This bond puts up $10 million for road repair and bike paths. And though it’s not explicitly stated, half of it would go to fixing up the I-25 and Paseo interchange. We think the ballot language on this one is pretty shady. It also sucks that in order to get your basic county road maintenance done this year, you’ve got to cast a ballot in favor of the Paseo project.