Local Blogosphere Roundup 03.07.09

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
Local Blogosphere Roundup 03.07.09
Who’s live-microblogging the Watchmen? (And how do you say that in Latin?)
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It had to happen: a blog devoted to the West Mesa Butcher.

Remember when you could smoke in bars? Per SFReeper,
Sen. Richard Martinez has sponsored a bill to turn back the clock. Clearly, it’s doomed.

Gil’s Thrilling hits
Duran’s Central Pharmacy, cites its Best of Burque awards 2005-present, lauds house-made tortillas, salsa, chile. Why is the carne adovada only available on Thursday and Saturday? You’re not allowed to ask.

Sense of Adventure wonders
“Why watch Watchmen ?” (I wasn’t so amazed by the comic myself back in the 80s, but somebody out there is crazy for it.)

Cyclist Jerry links to cyclist jfleck linking to cyclist Scot Key’s harrowing account of riding in the spring wind this week. (I wussed out and drove my car instead.)

And, finally, BAT points out how useful the
Downtown-to-Four Hills Rapid Ride Green Route will be. I’m not a Marty fan, but his administration’s transit improvements are to be commended. Wow, what a square note to end on.
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