Letters: Don Loves The Sun; Don’t Blame Bp; Swan Song Out Of Tune; Horse Of A Different Color

Sunshine For Health—Wait, No Booze?!

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I enjoy walking many miles in town—shirt-free in shorts and straw hat—in the brilliant sunshine! I appreciate conversations, friendly honks and waves, sexy whistles and yells, eating much fruit. My long walks are my personal parade for health, sunshine, exercise, naked body freedom, gay liberation, living simply … and against cars!

Sunbathing benefits us greatly if we eat
only raw plant foods no meat, no dairy, no processed vegetable oils, no booze, no cooked food—and use no drugs, no sunscreen, no soap, no cosmetics and smoke no cigarettes. Whole raw plant foods—dark greens, ripe fruit, seeds, nuts, soaked grain—provide the nutrients our bodies need in order to benefit from the sun’s strong energy. We are playing dangerously with the fire in the sky if we do not follow the above.

NEVER BURN! Start with a couple minutes front and back on your whole naked body—gradually lengthening to an hour or more daily. On warm days, lie in the sun early in the morning when it feels good.

lowers high blood pressure, high blood sugar and total body cholesterol. Sunlight strengthens muscles. Sunlight improves resistance to infection, the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood and the heart’s output. Sunlight stimulates production of sex and other hormones. Sunlight helps remove poisonous chemicals from our bodies. Sunlight lifts our mood and outlook. Sunlight helps our bodies use trace minerals. Sunlight helps us lose fat. Sunlight relieves arthritis. Sunlight helps us cope with stress. Sunlight can prevent and help cure breast cancer, colon cancer, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, multiple sclerosis. Sunlight can heal wounds, kill harmful bacteria and strengthen bones and joints.

I strongly recommend reading
Sunlight Could Save Your Life by Zane R. Kime, M.D., The Healing Sun—Sunlight and Health in the 21 st Century by Richard Hobday, Fit for Life II: Living Health (pages 185-191) by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, “The Medical Mistake of the Century” (Issue #29— Health Discoveries Newsletter ) by Sam Biser.

WHY spend thousands to travel thousands of miles consuming and polluting as a spoiled rotten American? Sunbathing here most days all year around is one of my favorite simple pleasures and free natural highs in life!

Letters: Don’t Blame Bp Don’t Blame Bp

Don’t blame British Petroleum for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. As a corporation in one of the two most profitable, powerful, under-regulated and dangerous industries (the other being the financial industry, as we have seen), BP was simply doing what it does so well: drill for as much oil with as little regulation and expense as possible.

The real blame goes to those who agree with, support and vote for politicians who have been advocating for 30 years now the “religion” of deregulation, whose main doctrine says that government is the problem and should get out of the way of business and let it make as much money as it can however it wants.

Blame that half of the voting public that twice supported oil industrialists to be president and vice-president. You know who you are. Oil men who advocated self regulation in business, industry and the environment. Blame those who believed this doctrine and still do, even as many thousands of barrels of oil are uncontrollably gushing from a broken pipe 5,000 feet below the surface in a most unregulated way.

Blame the citizens of those states that are in the path of these ungovernable oil slicks, plumes, sludge, goo, “tar balls” and various and as sundry forms that oil will take when mixed with water in such an unregulated way. These citizens bought into the idea that the oil industry was a cash cow that should be allowed to produce as much milk as possible without hindrance and interference.

As BP is attacked, along with anyone else in charge of anything, the antigovernment regulation doctrine seems to be withstanding the catastrophe pretty much in tack. You’re not hearing much “Drill, baby, drill” these days, but neither are you hearing much “Regulate, baby, regulate.” Doctrine is a hard thing to change. People believe what they want to. It is easier that way.

Letters: Unfulfilled Dreams Unfulfilled Dreams

Regarding the review by Ms. Adair-Hodges of Three Sisters by Chekhov [May 20-26]: What is her problem? The one-page review primarily spotlights the critic herself, not the play. (Two of the three [arts section] columns are about her.) This is a pathetic swan song indeed. Should I be disappointed that this is her last Alibi review?

Ms. Adair-Hodges views the performance through an excessively personal lens. The performance didn’t seem to fulfill her need to create a literary project of her own; i.e., her own work-in-progress, a book of biographical poems about Chekhov
. Patronizing remarks such as "He’s subtle, and therefore, difficult to get," leave me cold. Believe me, if you’ve ever found yourself stuck and broke and living in small-town, rural America with unadulterated boobs, you get it —especially with a base closing .

A heavy theme of abandonment emerges in The Vortex production, and the reviewer completely ignores it as she preens over her career progression. Then she boasts, "I say this not to boast … ," followed by the gall of: "There were many aspects of The Vortex’s production of Three Sisters that didn’t seem to get it, either." I attended with three other playgoers, and the following evening two other friends attended upon our recommendation. The six of us agreed that it was a fascinating performance. We all appreciated Denise Schulz’ fine hand, and the set, blocking, lighting, all were amazing!

Of particular note were the performances of the three sisters, especially Masha, played by Hannah Kauffmann. One would gather that the reviewer wished for Royal Academy accents from the young players. They sounded too American. Well, it is a translation into the American language, and we don’t expect young actors to have sophisticated voices nor so much as a hint of a Russian accent. The "default flat nasality of American speech" was easily overshadowed by the moving speeches Chekhov created.

There is one of her observations I agree with. The sister-in-law Natasha, grossly overplayed by Merritt C. Glover, should have been reined in. The performances of the male roles were outstanding, particularly Vershinin played by Peter Diseth and the Baron played by Theodore Hamblin.

Regarding the reviewer’s strong assertion that
Three Sisters is a comedy, the controversy has never been settled. Chekhov, in fact, referred to Three Sisters as a "drama," though it really doesn’t matter what he thought it was. What matters is what it is , and what it is is a play that still stands up to the portrayal of a life of unfulfilled dreams and a longing for something better.

Letters: Same Name, But A Horse Of A Different Color Same Name, But A Horse Of A Different Color

I must confess that we don’t see the Alibi too much in our end Santa Fe County but a concerned friend brought an April 29 [Opinion] article by Alex Limkin, "How Cowboys Tame the Blues" and the subsequent editorial response letters to my attention, thus necessitating my personal response to set the record straight and so your readers would not confuse us with similarly named programs featured in your previous articles.

Our nonprofit organization Horses for Heroes—New Mexico, Inc. Cowboy Up!, endorsed by and partnered with the New Mexico Military Order of the Purple Heart, is based on our privately owned horse property in Santa Fe County. It is a unique horse therapy/wellness program free to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom (OIF-OEF) veterans and active military who have sustained physical injuries or combat trauma (PTSD) during their time serving our country. From Day 1 our veterans are hands-on with our mature, well-bred, registered American Quarter Horses, beginning with ground work and progressing to riding as well as participating in other aspects of ranch life, including working cattle and, more importantly, experiencing camaraderie with cowboys who are veterans themselves. For many reasons, we DO NOT use rescue or abused horses in our program. Our director of training and lead instructor is Christina Savitsky, the hard-working manager of the Pecos Bar X Bar Ranch and a master-certified therapeutic riding instructor with more than 15 years of experience in this field.

Our staff of volunteer instructors are all experienced, working-ranch cowboys and cowgirls and, in fact, spent the entire winter working together on what is one of the most comprehensive programs in the state. We are also proud to be endorsed by the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association, whose member ranches throughout the state serve as our program partners. We are also about to launch our second program location on a partner ranch in the Four Corners area to accommodate Native American OIF-OEF veterans. I invite you to visit us at horsesforheroes.org and horsesforheroes.blogspot.com. Respectfully,

Letters: Wimpy Facts Wimpy Facts

I was very disappointed in Benjamin Radford’s piece on the Miracle Muscle machine [ Opinion, “Miracle Muscles, Only $14,615,” May 27-June 2]. I have always been skeptical of the claim that a four-minute workout would be all one needed to stay fit. But Radford failed to quote any outside exercise experts. He failed to quote any members of the gym who may have used the machine. Most significantly, he leaves readers hanging in the final paragraph as to why six locations of Quick Gym closed down. Do the closures have anything to do with his "investigation"? Were larger economic forces at work? Did the Attorney General or the Better Business Bureau do anything that led to the closures? Alibi readers will never know because Radford is more concerned with spouting off than finding the truth.

Letters: Boycott The Boycotts! Boycott The Boycotts!

[Re: Online Feature, “Who’s Boycotting Arizona?” May 20-26] So, has L.A. (or anybody else) stopped accepting all the water and electrical power they get from Arizona?

Arizona’s new immigration law is certainly less onerous than Mexico’s own immigration laws. I’m going to boycott Mexico until they comprehensively reform their own immigration laws and treat their immigrants at least as well as Arizona does!

I’m going to boycott California until they let their citizens exercise their right to keep and bear arms at least as freely as New Mexico does, too!

So there!

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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