Lost Luckies

Amy Dalness
2 min read
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What is that on the horizon? Is it …. Aliboy? Captain Alibi? An evening of heroic entertainment?

Spindian Market 2006— How did no one catch my error in last week’s Lost Luckies when I posted misleading information claiming that the Santa Fe Indian Market was last weekend? Jeez. The palm on my hand has repeatedly collided with my forehead over the past week. That may explain my current headache … Well, Indian Market is this weekend, and an awesome event is taking place at Alegria (505-471-2324) tonight from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. featuring Native American artists. Native DJs, scratchers, vocalists, filmmakers and live artists will show their side of Indian Market weekend. It’s $10 at the door and 21+.

Zone Fest— The Zone on San Mateo is hosting a free, all-ages event on Saturday, Aug. 19, from noon to 8 p.m. Torture Victim, Requiem Mass, Blinddryve, The Ground Beneath, Suspended, Code of The Zodiac, These Black Days, Lucid illision, Left to Rot and The Red Orchestra will be playing and there’ll be free barbecue and ticket giveaways. Rock, rock on.

Duke City Derby— The Doomsdames and the Ho-Bots are pretty much going to be kickin’ the crap out of each other over at Midnight Rodeo at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 19. I don’t know how much it costs to get in, but I know the Ho-bots are hot (you know, hot robots).

The Handsome Family— I mentioned the tardeadas in Old Town last week, but it’s worth a repeat. The Handsome Family with be playing at the gazebo in Old Town at 8 p.m on Wednesday, Aug. 23. Jasper Brown will open at 7 p.m. Check it.
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