Build Now, Pay Later

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
(Jeremy Eaton)
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On Monday, Dec. 18, the City Council hedged part of Council President Debbie O’Malley’s proposed big-box legislation. It voted 5-4 against a moratorium on approving new retail giants that don’t comply with proposed regulations. In October, O’Malley introduced a bill that would regulate the look and location of big-box stores. The Council opted unanimously to refer the bill to the Environmental Planning Commission with amendments. The regulations will go to the commission and endure a public comment period before coming back to the Council for the final word.

Slippery Weazel showed up at the Council meeting to plea for help negotiating the permitting process required to play outdoors Downtown. At least one of the band’s musicians is not yet 21, so the trio took to the streets on weekend nights instead of playing in bars. Police started giving them a hard time, said drummer Ryan McComas. The group went to four different city departments to try to find out the rules for outdoor performances, none of which gave them an answer. Councilor Isaac Benton said he’s ridden his bike Downtown on Saturday nights and seen Slippery Weazel performing "really entertaining music" on the street corner. "I thought it contributed to the liveliness of Central Avenue," he said. Bruce Perlman, the city’s chief administrative officer, said he would take McComas’ name and number and connect him with someone who could help Slippery Weazel work out its permitting troubles.

Council Watch

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