Office Dogette


Steven Robert Allen
1 min read
Erni is pictured at right. Notice Rufus copping a quick feel, the dirty dog.
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Several nonhuman animals regularly make the rounds here at Alibi headquarters. One of the most beloved is Erni, pictured here last Saturday being pawed by a horny dog named Rufus at the Fourth Annual Mayor’s Dog Ball at the Albuquerque Museum. (This photo was lifted off the Journal ’s website.) Erni is owned by Alibi account executive Ilene Style.

It came as a shock to many of us around here to learn—through the humiliating medium of another publication, no less—that Erni is actually a lady. (Erni is kind of shaggy, so it’s hard to see her parts.) Ilene says we should’ve clued into the feminine spelling of her name.

“Erni” has a feminine spelling? How are we supposed to know that?
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