Unboring News: Stealing Music

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Disaster looms for this music downloader. Not really. I don’t know what this guy is doing, but I’d like to buy him a beer.
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Here’s to hoping this blog isn’t ironically titled. The “unboring” part, I mean.

The music industry got even more pee pee-hearted and went to the Hill to whine about college students.

More than half of college students get their music without paying for it.

A recording industry group says it will bring the noise against campuses this year. (I’m sorry for the pun, though not sorry enough.)

UCLA suspended two students for illegal downloading. The music industry likes UCLA.

Software designed to block music-sharing programs from campuses can be problematic. Universities use similar file-sharing programs for work stuff, and the blockers shut those down, too. Ha ha.

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