Lost Luckies

Amy Dalness
2 min read
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Like I said before, it’s Friday the 13th—I’m going bowling.

Through Another’s Eyes: Albuquerque’s Untold Stories —Local photographer Peter W. Gilroy set out into Albuquerque and to capture the untold side of Albuquerque’s streets. He gave disposable cameras to homeless men through out Albuquerque, and the product of their work will be on display for one night only (tonight!) at The Storehouse food bank (106 Broadway SE) at 6 p.m. It will also be viewable at Gilroy’s website.

Bedside Manners —The UNM comedy writing class (under the watchful eye of Jason Witter of Eat, Drink and Be Larry) are taking over the Sol Arts Performance Space tonight and tomorrow night at 10:30 p.m. Straight off the press release: "Gasp as you see adventures inside the belly of a whale!  Cringe as Spartans square off in a vicious game of Candyland!  Sit back and relax as Jesus and Hitler awkwardly take the same date to the prom! " This great night of sketch comedy is only $5 at the door. Call 244-0049 for more info/reservations.

The Trains! The Trains! —Stop by the Rio Grande Botanic Garden this Saturday or Sunday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for a model train show put together by the New Mexico Garden Railroad Club. Let’s just hope it’s not raining!

Community Health Fair Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy will give you a free chair massages, some product samples, free food and live music if you stop by their health fair on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pharmaca is pretty new to the area, so it’s saying hello (and while you’re there, stop in Trader Joe’s and get some Thai Cashews—yum!).
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