The Daily Word 06.05.07

Amy Dalness
1 min read
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War crime charges dropped on two Gitmo prisoners—a setback for the Bush Administration—but that doesn’t mean they’re going home.

Forty years ago today, the Arab world changed dramatically.

Richardson’s idea to use the 2008 Olympics in Beijing as a political tool bombs. Well, we’ve done it before.

President Bush’s potty mouth is used as an example of why not to uphold an FCC policy against accidentally-aired expletives.

Will Starbucks stop selling lattes and start making records? Maybe

More e. coli—this time, the beef is close to home.

Mission control for Virgin Galactic Accredited Space Office—the first commercial space tourism business—will be in New Mexico.

There she is, Miss New Mexico … almost … maybe.

And in fishing: the New Mexico Game & Fish’s Weekly Fishing Report.
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