The Daily Word 06.08.07

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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A plan in the House to cut nuclear weapons could mean 2,000 fewer jobs at LANL and Sandia. It would also, obviously, mean fewer nukes.

Judge put on paid leave for making an inappropriate sexual comment—and forgetting the camera was on.

Rio Rancho mayor’s racked up mysterious charges on his credit card.

Washington debates: Should gays and lesbians be allowed to serve openly in the military?

Immigration bill crumbles in the Senate. Here’s an interesting take on why.

G8 summit agrees to help Africa.

Wildlife is coming back to Chernobyl.

Village Voice is not feeling Ocean’s 13.

Passports have been backlogged. The Bush administration is backpedalling to make them easier to acquire.

On the celebrity “justice” front, Paris Hilton has been ordered to attend a hearing deciding whether she should go back to jail. She wanted to attend via telephone. Authorities were going to let her, until a judge ordered a sheriff’s car to pick her up at home.

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