Lost Luckies

Amy Dalness
1 min read
Yea! Harry Potter! Weeeeee!
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There is so much going on this weekend, I just don’t have anything else noteworthy to add. I’m sure everyone already has their full weekend planned, beacuse—you know—Harry Potter comes out tonight. No! Not like that. I mean the last book comes out … well, I guess it’s possible Harry could come out in Deathly Hallows, but I highly doubt it. What would the religious zealots do then? Burn down the publisher’s offices? String J.K. up? I wouldn’t want to see that …

Yeah, so I’ll be out partaking in the Pottermania. I’m even going in costume! Maybe I’ll post some pics later of all the little Potterites.

I know … I’m pathetic.
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