Snack Attack No. 23

Doritos X-13D

Jennifer Wohletz
2 min read
Top-secret Doritos ... revealed!
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I could not help myself. I’m such a food lemming. I saw this weird, Darth Vadar bag in the chip aisle, a strange code in lieu of a catchy name, and I was roped in.

Like two minutes after I got home I tore open the bag and crammed a fistful of crunchy, golden triangles into my grill. The flavor of Doritos X-13D is supposed to be a mystery, but I was surprised at how quickly I figured out what it was.

The first taste I detected was … grilled meat. I then noticed a hint of mustard, ketchup and pickle, then after a few more crunches, I tasted onion and cheese. Delicious, delicious cheeseburger chips.

It could be argued that they are hamburger, not cheeseburger, flavored snacks, but I don’t know anybody (with the exception of the lactose intolerant) who would pick a hamburger over a juicy ground beef patty smothered with supple squares of melted ch-ch-cheese.

Good call by Frito Lay. I have some ideas for other fun chip flavors, too. How about chicken bacon ranch? Or maybe meatloaf and gravy? Ooooohhh, or smoked salmon and cream cheese?

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