Snack Attack No. 24

Kasugai Muscat Gummies

Jennifer Wohletz
2 min read
Muscat love
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Every once in a while you find a snack so damn good you crave it when you run out. A treat so wonderful that your friends, family and even neighbors ask you if you have any to spare.

These beautiful little candies came to my attention one day when I was making the rounds at Talin Market. I was at the checkout line, and I didn’t have enough stuff to equal $5 (you can only use a card if the amount of purchase is $5 or more) so I grabbed a nearby bag of candy and plopped it down on the rubber belt thingie. I thought the bag was cool because it was a picture of dewy, jade-green grapes. I adore Muscat grapes (the wine ain’t bad either).

I opened the bag in the car, then ripped open a small, green individually-wrapped packet. Out popped a shiny, heart-shaped gummy candy, and also a lovely smell of perfumey grape. This candy smelled so wonderful that I sniffed it for a minute before sliding it into my mouth with an orgasmic exhale. The taste was juicy. Really sweet, grapey and juicy, —so juicy that my mouth was watering. It was watering so much I was drooling. I passed the bag around, and that started everyone asking me for more until they were gone. I was their dealer. Everyone I’ve ever given one of these candies to has fallen deeply in love with them. The kind of love that makes you wanna be alone. All alone, in your room, with the candy. No porn, just candy. And you. Web ‘em at
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