Damn Foreigners

Steven Robert Allen
2 min read
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I flew back from Europe a couple days ago where we attended my mother-in-law’s (re)marriage before borrowing a car and driving from the Netherlands deep into the heart of Germany. My father-in-law has a house in Der Harz, a beautiful mountainous region where we drank beer and ate sausage for breakfast, lunch and dinner, in between absorbing local culture. Part of that local culture included some sort of harvest festival in which the locals dressed up in costumes to represent the entire history of their village, from the stone age to the present. The lengthy parade also included this horse-riding cock. Mysterious! Weird!

During the seven-hour drive, we saw windmills
everywhere , the modern kind, which integrated nicely with the landscape. A half dozen or so seemed to decorate almost every hillside. Made me ponder how the trillion dollars we’re blowing in Iraq might’ve been more wisely spent at home. The German economy, by the way, is doing quite nicely. Unemployment is low. Property is cheap. And I bought a pair of long underwear for the equivalent of $2. That, my friends, is progress. (You can sort of barely see the windmills in the crappy photo after the jump.)

Windmills everywhere ...

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