Webgame Wednesday

Amy Dalness
2 min read
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A few of my coworkers who will remain nameless (ahem, Laura and Marisa) were talking about the wondrous effects of caffeine this morning, especially about how it can give the imbiber a false sense of extremely efficient productivity. The hyperactive energy making the user feel able to do anything can also create a temporary state of ADD in some. For those kinds of caffeine drinkers (ahem, me), there are webgames. Time for a coffee break!

Monkey Kick Off—Make the monkey kick the ball to see how far it will fly! There’s not much challenge in this game, just trial and error and a taunting voice in the back of your head saying, "Just one more time …" There a few more games linked from the same page, including Monkey Lander (a navigate-the-spaceship game), Zed (a side-scrolling-pick-stuff-up game) and Smashing (a smash-the-bricks game)—really, who needs to work today?

Sound Energy—This game is another gem bordering on art. Move the color-changing orb around the screen collecting floating pieces of the same color to make combos and change the music played in the background. You control the color of the orb—either grey, blue or magenta—by clicking the mouse (I didn’t realize that the first few times I tried). Really cool!

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