Answer Me This

Christie Chisholm
3 min read
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How will New Mexico students get their degrees faster and easier? What should you look out for on your lunch break? Why shouldn’t you breathe the air in El Paso? And the state’s lyrical new area code.

1) New Mexico universities are considering a plan by Reed Dasenbrock, secretary of the state’s Higher Education Department, that would:

a. Create a free application for all state colleges, allowing students to apply to multiple schools at once.

b. Guarantee admission to all New Mexico colleges.

c. Allow "degree hosting," which lets students on two-year campuses get into undergraduate and graduate programs.

d. Develop "credit stacking," which lets students complete their degrees with programs offered by a different public college or university than the one they already attend.

e. All of the above.

2) What crime increased by 45 percent last year in Albuquerque?

a. Streaking

b. Burglary

c. Auto theft

d. Prank phone calls

3) Gov. Bill Richardson is opposing an air quality permit that would allow Asarco to reopen a copper smelter in El Paso, a mile away from New Mexico’s border. If approved, the company would pump several thousand tons of what into the air every year?

a. Sulfur dioxide, lead and carbon monoxide

b. Gumdrops and lollipops

c. Carbon dioxide and methane

d. Volatile organic compounds

4) Parts of New Mexico got a new area code on Sunday, Oct. 7. What three-digit precursor do you now have to dial to reach your cousin in Las Cruces?

a. 525

b. 575

c. 567

d. 555

Answer Me This


1) E. Dasenbrock’s plan, if approved, proposes all these changes to the state’s higher education policies. It would also allow credits for online courses taught in state public colleges or universities to transfer.

2) C. The city has suffered a rash of car thefts in the last year, with robbers recently targeting cars parked at restaurants during lunch and dinner hours. This prompted APD to issue a warning to residents on Thursday, Oct. 4, to keep a lookout on their lunch breaks.

3) A. Asarco officials say environmental studies have shown the smelter won’t contribute to air pollution as long as the company, which was built in 1887 and shut down in 1999, abides by the rules of the permit. Yet air monitoring has already found levels of ozone and particulate in the area to be high, and some soils in the region are contaminated with lead, due at least in part to the previous operation of the plant.

4) B. Whoever decided on the new code must love haiku. 575 now replaces 505 in the southern and eastern parts of the state, although there will be a year-long grace period to help with the numeric transition.
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