Asshat Of The Week

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Shocking Subpoenas

–On Thursday, Oct. 18, Village Voice Media Executive Editor Michael Lacey and VVM Chairman and CEO Jim Larkin were arrested for publishing information about subpoenas that had been filed against them in their
Phoenix New Times alternative newsweekly.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and special prosecutor Dennis Wilenchik filed subpoenas asking for every note, tape and record from every story written about Arpaio in the New Times since Jan. 1, 2004, as well as detailed information about every person who has looked at the New Times website since the same date. The subpoenas appear to be a retaliation against Lacey and Larkin for publishing negative articles about Sheriff Arpaio. Lacey and Larkin were released and the case has since been dropped. (CC)
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