True Or False?

How Did Our Psychics’ Predictions Fare Last Year? A Year In Review.

Kyra Gurney
14 min read
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Psychic Ana

Tarot Reader


What will happen in Iraq?

Prediction: Let me look at that. I’m going to confer with my cards. Not as many casualties, which is good, as this year. There will, of course, be a lot, but not as many as this year. And toward the end of the year again, let’s see, I’m looking at an escalation, too. The year looks good in Iraq. A lot of this will be solved, a lot of problems, negotiations and coming to agreement, and then there’s more incidents toward the end of the year. 2008, I don’t know, it’s going to be rough.

Actual outcome: It looks like Psychic Ana was on to something. According to the Associated Press, violence in Iraq has been decreasing fairly steadily since the summer. Casualties in November were the lowest they’ve been in more than a year.

What single event, catastrophe or person will bring the most international attention to New Mexico?

Prediction: Richardson, you know, because he’s running for president. But let me look at that. I really see a huge industry coming in, I mean, more and more, just huge industry. Big names. Coming even just from Arizona, because that’s where the major players are. New Mexico will double, just within probably the next 10 years, for sure. It’s going to be insane. It’s going to be great.

Actual outcome: Yes, Richardson has drawn a lot of attention to New Mexico. Many Americans who couldn’t find New Mexico on a map in 2006 probably have a vague idea that it’s in the Southwest now. As for an increase in industry, the filmmakers have officially moved in and crews can be spotted Downtown blocking traffic and creating general mayhem. On the flipside, PNM, Intel and Los Alamos National Laboratory all laid off workers this year.

Any specific celebrity predictions: births, deaths, divorces, maimings?

Prediction: Britney Spears. She’ll definitely find love at the end of the year. She’s going to run into some legal problems. She’s going to have a tough time, absolutely. Let me look deeper. I also see another marriage, and that will be at the end of the year. Now I’m really going to get in depth here with her, so … there’s a possibility that she’s going to change religions, and get involved maybe with Buddhism or, I’m not sure exactly what, it could even be with the Jewish religion. There’s something about faith that comes up and how she’s going to have a change of faith. She’ll notice that her popularity just isn’t going to be there. She’s going to try to book events for herself and there’s going to be a lot of flops this year.

Actual outcome: Britney Spears communing with Buddha and reading the Torah? Maybe in a parallel universe. Here on Earth, Ms. Spears has had a run-in with the law involving the custody of her children.

Will the stock market behave itself?

Prediction: The first quarter is going to be bad, absolutely. The last half of the year will be OK. The first two quarters are going to be rough, the last two quarters will be very good.

Actual Outcome: According to Kate Krause, economics professor at UNM, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) went up in January and February and then dropped at the end of the first quarter. It started climbing again in the second quarter and continued to climb in the first part of the third quarter. Then at the end of the third quarter, the stock market dropped with the sub prime mortgage crisis. Finally, the NYSE picked up again at the beginning of the fourth quarter but has since dropped lower than it was when the quarter started.

Just how badly will the new Democratic Congress screw everything up?

Prediction: OK, yeah, let’s look at that … there’s going to be some disappointment, of course, but the pendulum is going to swing the other way and it’s just going to be a rebalancing again of the system. It’s not going to be like a total screw-up—I just don’t see that.

Actual outcome: There has been widespread disappointment this year among Democrats with how little the new Congress has accomplished. They haven’t had any major screw ups, but then again, they haven’t done much of anything.

As far as terrorism goes, should we be afraid?

Prediction: Yeah, let me look at terrorism … in other countries, yes, and I think we’re looking at another hit in Spain. But not in the United States. I don’t see any. That is really good.

Actual outcome: In October, a radical Basque separatist party set off a car bomb in Spain. Fortunately, nothing along the lines of the Madrid bombings has occured.

What is the most important prediction you have for the citizens of Earth?

Prediction: Oh, that’s beautiful! I see a lot of harmony and love and marriage rates will go up, and the economy of the world will move up. Definitely a lot better communication among the different cultures of the world, and I really see just overall by the end of next year there’s going to be a lot of good things, and positive energy, and positive people and positive things happening to pull the world more toward peace. It’s going to be a good year, overall. That’s what I really sense, mainly. 2008 is another story.

Actual outcome: Have you, citizen of Earth, been feeling more positive energy this year? Has your mailbox been brimming with wedding invitations and declarations of love?

Mahadev Levine


What will happen in Iraq?

Prediction: The war is likely to continue for much longer than most people there would like to see. There are still these kinds of vibrations that are going on. There is still turmoil.

Actual outcome: Levine hit the nail on the head. The war
has continued longer than most people would like to see … but then again, most people don’t want violent conflicts to continue.

What single event/catastrophe/person will bring the most international attention to New Mexico?

Prediction: The first thing I can tell you is who it will not be. It’s not going to be Richardson who will bring the most attention to New Mexico. Actually, it’s going to be the current vice president. Vice President Cheney will bring the most [attention] and that’s in this next year.

Actual outcome: Hmm … VP Cheney in New Mexico? Eating tamales and speaking in Spanish? Going duck hunting in the Bosque?

Will the stock market behave itself?

Prediction: The stock market and relatively the whole monetary situation will be in a state of flux. It’s not going to crash as many people have predicted, not quite yet. It’s really not on solid ground, but there are forces keeping things in motion so it’s not going to really crash. But it will look pretty erratic. In other words, there will be large dips in both directions. They will seemingly correct themselves. If you look at the beginning and end of the year, you are not going to see a lot of radical difference.

Actual outcome: That’s about right. But then again, when has the stock market
not been erratic?

Just how badly will the new Democratic Congress screw everything up?

Prediction: This is just from logic: They certainly can’t do any worse than their predecessors. Let’s put it this way, if somebody is really expecting this Congress to do a whole lot, they probably shouldn’t, because, unfortunately, we’ve got a political karma that is not a very good one in this country. There is not a likelihood they are going to screw up a whole lot. It is not likely they are going to do a whole lot.

Actual outcome: Bingo.

Should we be afraid?

Prediction: There is going to be something that is going to go on on our shores. It’s not to the extent of the World Trade Center. But it’s likely to harm something in the order of about 50 to 100 people. It’s likely to be slightly chemical in nature, but it’s not like an anthrax or something like that. Also, our alliances with other countries are real shaky, especially with England. This probably involves the change in government over there as well as what might become a change in government over here. There are still predictions that something will happen to Bush that is very similar to what happened to Nixon.

Actual outcome: No Watergate scandal for Bush so far. Unless you count the false intelligence that compelled the president to declare war in Iraq … but that’s old news.

What is the most important prediction you have for the citizens of Earth?

Prediction: One of the things I saw, and have been seeing, is instability, like with the economy. … But the positive that I saw is there’s some really strong indicators for spiritual values coming to the forefront in this country—service, caring for others. I couldn’t translate that directly to places like Darfur, but it does seem like there is going to start to be a caring for what is going on in the countries that really need the caring. Something is stirring people to care again.

Actual Outcome: Spiritual values may or may not have taken a central role in the U.S. this past year, but one thing is certain: The 2008 presidential hopefuls are paying this topic a lot of lip service.

Sandra Kohler

Staff Astrologer at Noble Path Books


What will happen in Iraq?

Prediction: I believe we all are continuously choosing, and that the consequences of what we’re seeing and what we’re experiencing have an impact on our next choice, so my highest hope is that we’ll all wake up and choose peace. And I do have to share with you it’s not looking real good, so that’s all I can say.

Actual Outcome: Well, do
you choose peace?

What single event, catastrophe or person will bring the most international attention to New Mexico?

Prediction: Oh, my gosh, I think Bill Richardson is bringing the most attention to New Mexico. I think he’s a very charismatic and powerful leader, and I want to put my money on a positive possibility here for New Mexico. I’m not gonna think about what possible disasters we could create. Actually, I love the idea of us thinking of the most positive things we could create.

Actual Outcome: Good ol’ Gov. Richardson has brought attention to the Land of Enchantment and proven to most Americans that, no, New Mexico is not a different country.

Will the stock market behave itself?

Prediction: It looks like there’s a lot of instability. … Corruption will be exposed more and more, if you can even imagine that. I’m willing to go on the record with that one.

Actual outcome: Instability? The stock market? You’ve got to be kidding!

Just how badly will the new Democratic Congress screw everything up?

Prediction: I’m not even sure we have a Democratic Congress right now. … One of the Democratic seats was occupied by a man who has had, I believe, a stroke. It remains to be seen who will be chosen to fill his seat if he can’t function. I’m not blaming either party for any of what’s transpiring. What I believe is that what we have is a representation of all of us together. I strongly support holding to the most peaceful, positive thought and action.

Actual outcome: Um, yeah.

Should we be afraid?

Prediction: Now, would you go to see any counselor or helper, wearing any label, who told you you should be afraid? What do you know about when you feel afraid? Automatically, you make less wise decisions. Automatically, you experience having less access to your own energy. Automatically, it becomes more difficult to trust the ones who might be the very greatest companions and help you’re ever going to need. So if anybody tells you you should be afraid, I suggest you should see someone else.

Actual outcome: So that’s a no?

What is the most important thing you have to say to the citizens of Earth?

Prediction: The most positive opportunity I can imagine you could make of the predicaments that are chaotically presenting themselves in so many different ways on this planet is to wake up and realize how powerful and creative each of us individually and all of us together really are. It’s not too late.

Actual outcome: That’s a really long sentence.

Cooper Tomlinson

Some random guy we found on the street

What will happen in Iraq?

Prediction: Hopefully, everything will be settled. The war will end. 2007, lucky year, good times, the world will turn out to be good.

Actual outcome: American troops are still fighting overseas.

What single event/catastrophe/person will bring the most international attention to New Mexico?

Prediction: Probably Bill Richardson … but I don’t know.

Actual outcome: It didn’t take a genius to get this one right, and he still didn’t know.

Any specific celebrity predictions: births, deaths, divorces, maimings?

Prediction: OJ did do it.

Actual outcome: OJ did return to the spotlight this year, first with his book
If I Did It and later with a robbery scandal in Las Vegas. It looks like Cooper was on to something.

Will the stock market behave itself?

Prediction: Of course, without a doubt.

Actual outcome: Yes, you could say that.

Just how badly will the new Democratic Congress screw everything up?

Prediction: They will do good in politics this year. Hopefully.

Actual outcome: Not so much.

Should we be afraid?

Prediction: Maybe we should be afraid of a retaliation by the Taliban. But nonetheless, I don’t know. I expect nothing.

Actual outcome: Was this really a prediction?

What is the most important prediction you have for the citizens of Earth?

Prediction: Just to live your life, and have a good time. Hope for the worst. Yeah.

Actual outcome: Again …

Sheldon Richards

Another random guy we found on the street

What will happen in Iraq?

Prediction: More of the same. I think 2007 will be pretty much indistinguishable from 2006 in Iraq. More dead people, though.

Actual outcome: Well, there were more dead people this year, but that’s the case with every year.

What single event/catastrophe/person will bring the most international attention to New Mexico?

Prediction: It’ll be something involving a dog receiving a medal for bravery. It’ll be a big draw for the guv, as well, because, you know, he’ll give out the medal.

Actual outcome: Sorry Sheldon, no Lassie in New Mexico this year.

Will the stock market behave itself?

Prediction: All of the casual investors have been driven out of the market, so it’s probably going to go way up, because only the people who are really involved have control of those things, anyway.

Actual outcome: It didn’t go up significantly.

Any specific celebrity predictions: births, deaths, divorces, maimings?

Prediction: I’ve heard a big Hollywood couple is coming out of a clinic, but I don’t know who specifically it was.

Actual outcome: We don’t know who that was either, Sheldon.

Just how badly will the new Democratic Congress screw everything up?

Prediction: Almost as badly as the Republican Congress did. They’re going to screw everything up really terrifically. I just know that there’s going to be a lot of people saying, “I told you so.”

Actual outcome: If not doing anything is screwing things up, then Sheldon gets a prize.

Terrorism: should we be afraid?

Prediction: Um … no. I think the whole point of terror is us being afraid, and whoever we’re afraid of has a lot of power over us. Whether it’s the people or the media or our own government. I think we should just do our own things and live our own lives.

Actual outcome: Well, alrighty then.

What is the most important prediction you have for the citizens of Earth?

Prediction: Robotic bodies, I think. I see a lot of robotic bodies in the future. We should start putting our money away or buying stock in robotic body companies.

Actual outcome: Our stock isn’t doing so well yet, but we remain optimistic.
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