“Friends” Fight Trib Closure

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
ÒFriendsÓ Fight Trib Closure
(Don’t) stop the press!
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Marvin Gladstone, a member of the Friends of the Albuquerque Tribune, is asking the U.S. Attorney General to examine the potential closure of Albuquerque’s afternoon daily.

From the press release: “The proposed shutdown of the
Tribune … would, if and when effected, transform Albuquerque from a city with two daily newspapers (often expressing divergent editorial views), into a one-newspaper town.” Mr. Gladstone calls into question the sincerity of the owners’ attempts to keep the paper going by selling it.

So far, the letter goes on, both papers have reported the
Trib’s losses as the reason for ditching the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) that keeps the Trib alive. But by killing the JOA, the paper loses it’s primary asset, making it unattractive to potential buyers.

“We suggest that such a pre-expiration termination would, by reason of that likely competition-eliminating consequence, require review by your [U.S. Attorney General’s] office. “
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