The Back Of My Head May Be In Bordertown

Straight-To-Dvd Release Tomorrow

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
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Me, a little intern at the Albuquerque Tribune . Gregory Nava is filming Bordertown staring J-Lo and Martin Sheen in our offices. An extra says to me, “Can I borrow your desk for the next shot?”

Um, NO, I’m trying to get an interview and my story was due an hour ago and …

“Silence on the set!”

Tribune offices were not exciting enough–just a bunch of people sitting at their desks talking on phones. To pump things up a bit, filmmakers covered the desks with scissors and spray glue and measuring devices to make it look like we laid the paper out by hand. Also, they asked all those extras to walk back and forth quickly and to mouth like they were having quick conversations with one another. In complete silence.

What I learned from
Bordertown :

-Filming movies is immensely dull.

-J-Lo does not have a big butt. She has a normal person’s ass.

Marc Anothony is a tiny tiny man.

The flick is about the
femicide in Ciudad Juarez, although from what I’ve read it posits that a bus driver is doing the killings. I’ve heard many theories, including that the police are doing it, a government official, the facotry owners, etc. But even if they find that it’s just one man, the women in Juarez are being brutally raped and murdered because of a larger systemic problem—one that makes them worthless and allows hundreds to die, their bones, clothes and bodies littering the desert like so much trash.

Anyway, though
Bordertown defaulted on its loan with the New Mexico State Investment Council, and even though the movie is probably terrible, I wish it had come out in theaters so more people could learn about the Juarez murders.
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