One In 100 American Adults Are In Jail

Simon McCormack
1 min read
One in 100 American Adults are in Jail
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An article in the New York Times paints a distressing picture of the U.S. Prison system. The article cites a new study which finds that 1 percent of American adults are behind bars. As one might expect, the study paints an even bleaker picture for racial and ethnic minorities. One in 15 adult African Americans, and one in 36 Hispanic Americans are in prison.

It may be time to look at our sentencing policies and, most importantly, the way we think about incarceration. I wonder if the general public has given up on the idea of rehabilitation for criminals. Perhaps one in 100 people behind bars isn’t that alarming. But, if it is an issue people care about, a serious reconsideration of why we put people in jail and for how long is necessary.
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