Answer Me This

Simon McCormack
2 min read
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What led to a New Mexico man’s death, according to a federal lawsuit? A study finds the disparity among rich and poor in New Mexico is … . What were protesters in Santa Fe hot about? And the governor unveils a shiny new keepsake.

1) A lawsuit alleges that ________ caused Lowell Ryman’s death.

a. Smoking

b. An unsafe vehicle

c. Fast food

d. Lab waste

2) A study released last week reports the gap between the state’s "haves" and "have-nots" is …

a. Not as wide as in most states

b. One of the highest in the nation

c. Less pronounced than in the Pacific Northwest

d. Nonexistent. This state runs on joy, not wealth disparity.

3) What did protesters in the state’s capitol raise a stink about?

a. The steadily climbing price of gas

b. The increasing level of obnoxious tourists with large, cactus-shaped hats

c. The war in Iraq

d. Human rights violations by China against Tibet

4) The governor and his wife showed off the new …

a. State driver’s licenses

b. Design for the Rail Runner

c. State quarter

d. Albuquerque Isotopes mascot

Answer Me This


1) D. The lawsuit filed on behalf of Ryman’s daughter, Rene, alleges that nuclear waste in canyons near Los Alamos National Laboratory were to blame for his death in 2005. The suit holds California University and its subcontractor, Zia Company, responsible for mishandling the waste. The university managed the lab for the federal government until 2006.

2) B. The study also says the gap between family incomes of New Mexico’s wealthiest one-fifth and poorest one-fifth
widened during the late ’90s and mid-2000s. Globalization, the loss of higher-paying manufacturing jobs and tax changes benefiting the upper income were cited in the study as reasons for the growing disparity.

3) D. A group of
Santa Fe-based Tibetan exiles and their supporters took part in a public head-shaving event to protest the ongoing conflict between Tibet and the Chinese government. Beijing is the site of the 2008 Summer Olympics, and protests worldwide have been organized to draw attention to the host-country’s human rights record.

4) C. The
New Mexico quarter was showcased in front of about 500 schoolchildren and coin collectors in the Capitol Rotunda. New Mexico is the 47 th state to release its own quarter as part of the U.S. Mint’s 50 State Quarters program.
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