Answer Me This

Simon McCormack
2 min read
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Mayor Martin Chavez wants to pass … Which ex-New Mexico politician is in the clink? Big things poppin’ for a New Mexico-based electronics store. Was a state employee up to no good?

1) Mayor Chavez presented his plans for …

a. A new roadrunner museum

b. Ethics reform

c. An economic stimulus package

d. Tougher carbon emissions standards

2) Which former politician is stuck in the slammer?

a. A secretary of state

b. An Albuquerque city councilor

c. A mayor

d. A governor

3) Baillio’s appliance and electronics store announced plans to …

a. Open four new locations throughout the state

b. Have a Memorial Day sale

c. Make its employees shout "we’re bananas about savings" while wearing monkey suits

d. Sell its stores to a Denver-based chain

4) Court documents say a state employee confessed to stealing _____ in state funds.

a. Just under $300,000

b. More than $500,000

c. $1.6 million

d. $2.5 million

Answer Me This


1) B. Chavez sent
his proposal for ethics reform to the City Council last week. The "Ethical Public Service Act" would provide more training for city employees and give the city clerk more independence from the mayor’s office. The plan also lays out procedures and reasons for firing employees. The act must win the Council’s approval to become law.

2) C. Former Rio Rancho Mayor Kevin Jackson was
convicted of violating a restraining order filed by his wife. A Pennsylvania court ordered that Jackson spend at least 15 days in jail for his offense. The ex-mayor left office in the summer of 2007 after facing accusations of fraud.

3) D. On the heals of Jack Baillio Sr.’s retirement,
Baillio’s is selling its stores to Appliance World. Baillio’s, which has locations in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, has been locally owned since it opened in 1966.

4) B. More than $500,000
has been stolen by a state employee and her co-conspirators, according to court documents. Andrea Munoz, 34, who worked for the Children, Youth and Families Department, is accused of signing up 16 people as child care providers, none of whom ever provided any service to the state. The documents say all parties involved in the scandal have confessed, and they now face charges of misusing public funds.
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