The Daily Word 6.2.08

Nick Brown
1 min read
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Image of Don Schrader Appears on Florida Man’s Tree.

Has an Alaskan Boy been caputured by the
Ircenraat (the “Little People” of the Tundra)?

Kennedy will have
brain surgery.

Tatum O’Neal is still fun to party with.

Yves Saint Laurent is dead. RIP, scary little fashion dude. Also, Alton Kelley died.

World’s Greatest Plastic Surgeon
Not So Good.

Part of
Universal Studios Burned Down.

train crashed into a busload schoolchildren in France.

car bomb hit the Danish embassy in Pakistan. Probably because of that cartoon.

The Latest in
Hair Cloning.

Albuquerque Woman
Held in Shooting Death.

Albuquerque Sex Offender
Pleads Guilty.

APD Cracks Down (Even More) On

It’s Wynonna Judd’s birthday. Here’s “
Only Love,” the only song of hers I actually like.
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