This Week In Sports

Simon McCormack
2 min read
This Week in Sports
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Man-Ram Mania

The Boston Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez (Man-Ram for short) is one of the most enigmatic figures in professional sports today. He’s usually a clutch hitter with a menacing presence at the plate, but sometimes he becomes a liability despite his undeniable talent. Red Sox fans have shrugged their shoulders on numerous occasions when Ramirez’ personality quirks get the best of him. Whether its his lackadaisical play in the field, or his fairly frequent requests to be traded, there’s a lot not to love about Ramirez.

The Red Sox faithful have often dismissed Ramirez’ more obnoxious traits as simply "Manny being Manny." That expression implies Manny can do whatever he wants because, when he is playing hard, he’s one of the very best players in the league.

Ramirez may have gone too far in his latest "Manny being Manny" incident. Earlier this month, he essentially demanded a trade and took himself out of a handful of games claiming his knee was hurt. The Red Sox medical staff examined his knee and determined he was good to go, but Ramirez disagreed. After a bit of Ramirez’ trademark brand of illogical bitching, he returned to the batting lineup. Red Sox manager Terry Francona has tried to welcome Ramirez back with open arms. That has to hurt some of the other Red Sox players who don’t have the superstar status that allows Ramirez to get away with murder. But all is not fair in the world of professional athletics, and Ramirez’ knows he can be a complete chode and receive a seven figure paycheck while he’s at it.

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