This Week In Sports

Simon McCormack
2 min read
This Week in Sports
Big Papi please stopi
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God Dammit Boston

The piece of shit Boston Red Sox, as they prefer to be called, staged the second greatest comeback in Major League postseason history. Down by seven with just seven outs left, the Red Sox rattled off eight runs to beat the Tampa Bay Rays 8-7. Only the 1929 Oakland A’s overcame a larger deficit to win in the postseason.

Back in 2004, before the Red Sox hadn’t won a World Series since 1918, everyone and their idiot mom had a Red Sox cap. When I’d ask these misguided souls why they liked Boston, they’d more often than not say it was because they were the underdog. Fair enough. Granted, the team has almost always had an enormous payroll, their games invariably sell out, and they play in one of the greatest sports cities in the country, but the underdog label had some merit.

But now that the team has won two World Series in the last four years, no one should consider the Red Sox the underdog. So take the hats off, I implore you. Let’s cheer for the Rays who have suffered through year after year of abysmal failure. They’re young, they’re a small-market team with a very low payroll, and they’re out to prove you can’t buy victory in baseball. Also, please spit in the eye of the next Red Sox fan you see.
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