Best Speech Given In American History

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
Best Speech Given in American History
In front of the Convention Center, this guy sold glow sticks, while revelers whistled and cheered, “Si se puede!” (Marisa Demarco)
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I mean, right?

I stood shoulder to shoulder with Democrats at the Albuquerque Convention Center. An old bearded vet shouted in my right ear so loud, with a hoarse, gnarly voice. An obnoxious frat type yelled Lil Jon-style “yeauhs” behind me. A balding drunk dude raised his Corona every time Obama said something stunning. I was slapped as two large men hugged and heartily patted one another’s backs.

I watched one busser pause from clearing away dishes to see our president-elect take the stage. I saw another rush to take dishes from vacated tables as the people rose to cheer their victory. I heard so many people say they had never before been proud to be an American. (I myself have never voted for a winning presidential candidate).

Two security women watched the crowd in amazement. One told me she voted, but she didn’t see what all the fuss was about. The other said she didn’t vote, and still didn’t think things would get better.

When President Obama promised to be everyone’s president, when he said he would earn the respect of all the people who didn’t vote for him, I thought of her.

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