Council Watch: Hastened Expiration

Carolyn Carlson
2 min read
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Councilor Michael Cadigan called out Mayor Martin Chavez and his administration for not issuing a public statement about the 13 bodies excavated from the mesa. Councilor Ken Sanchez said he spoke to Albuquerque Police Chief Ray Schultz about the situation, and the chief is willing to keep the Council updated. Councilor Trudy Jones gave a shout-out to Schultz, who was sitting in on the meeting, and requested an update right then and there. Chief Schultz declined, saying he would prefer to talk with the councilors about the case in a one-on-one setting out of public view.

consent agenda of about a dozen items was approved in the blink of an eye. Items on the list included revenue reports, the acceptance of various grants and a couple appointments to the Bicycling Advisory Committee.

The Council deferred making a decision on extending the city’s soon-to-expire
quarter-cent transit tax. Sanchez proposed continuing the tax for six more months in order to keep the money flowing until voters have the chance to decide whether to renew it. A quarter-cent tax adds about 25 cents to a $100 purchase and funds the busses, among other transit-related projects.

Critics of the tax have urged the Council to give residents a break and let it expire. Supporters have said the tax is still an important source of money for road repairs and more.

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