The Daily Word 04.20.09

Nick Brown
2 min read
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Here’s an analysis of how pop-culture backlash will lash back at singer Susan Boyle. And why does everybody believe in her anyway?

A young Boulder woman
taped a puppy to a refrigerator and got caught.

All octopuses are

There’s new
Siberian yeti activity, including a woman who claims her grandmother was a yeti.

Meanwhile, Mexico is being terrorized by a

Author J. G.
Ballard died of cancer at 78. Rest in peace, scary little writer man.

horses mysteriously die.

Will stem cells cure

Hawking is “very ill.”

waterboarded two al Qaeda leaders 266 times.

Great Wall of China is even longer than previously thought.

Miss North Carolina is the new
Miss USA.

Mayor Chavez and the City Council are in a
bitter budget battle.

Saturday’s train death was a
suicide, authorities say.

Another guy
killed himself after police tried to chase him down for DWI. Maybe everybody should have just backed off that guy a bit.

Ian Simms is charged with robbing a
Walgreen’s with a BB gun.

Daskalos walked with a dismissal.

It’s Crispin Glover’s birthday. Here he is
being weird in this famous Letterman clip.

Thanks to Geoffrey Anjou and Sarah Bonneau for some of today’s links.
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