Dave Chappelle Is Still Alive!

Simon McCormack
1 min read
Dave Chappelle is Still Alive!
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While walking the streets of Portland, Dave Chappelle told a few people he’d be doing a free show around 1 a.m. on Wednesday, July 15.

The comedian expected about 200 people to show up. When he arrived, thousands of Portland residents (see: white people) were packed into the city’s Pioneer Courthouse Square. Chappelle’s sound system, which consisted of a small amp, was ill-equipped for the performance as most couldn’t hear anything he was saying. Some helpful onlookers tried to get a larger sound system hooked up, but in the end, there was no power and Chappelle was unable to do any bits.

The crowd remained jubilant, and the incident proves Chappelle can still draw a crowd.

"I didn’t know I was still famous," the ex-Comedy Central superstar told the audience. "This is the greatest show that
almost happened."
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