College: A Scam?

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
College: A Scam?
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It’s that time of year. Halfway-educated writers compile Back to School guides for people and wallets funneling into the hallowed halls of learning.

But you matriculates must have some sharper friends around asking: What good is college anyway? Don’t we all know at least one smart person who thinks it’s a waste of time?

As someone craning her neck to see the top of her private mountain of college debt, I’m probably biased.

But it’s worth noting that this
SmartMoney editor says I shouldn’t have gone for a four-year degree at all. (Addendum: It took me more than four, and, in fairness, I have my dream job.)

Of course, there are other reasons to go to school. Even T.I. thinks you might learn something. (”Brain so good … “)
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