Local Blogosphere Roundup: Heinrich, Boris, Vodka Tomatoes

Fantasy Paperback Edition

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
Local Blogosphere Roundup: Heinrich, Boris, vodka tomatoes
(Soy de Burque)
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Martin Heinrich had a health care town hall this weekend and the blogosphere is buzzing. ABQ Journal Watch takes exception to headline spin, NM Liberty provides talking points for teabaggers, and NM Independent has a live blog transcript for those who missed the fun.

Soy de Burque continues
the good fight against the Q-ification (and Chavez-ifying) of Albuquerque.

Charter schools are all the rage. Burque Babble invites discussion,
Family School gets a shout-out.

George R.R. Martin goes into detail on
the casting of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” pilot. Still no sign of book 5, but at least we’ll have a TV show to watch someday.

Speaking of fantasy paperbacks, props to Gil’s Thrilling for
namechecking Boris Vallejo in his review of Stone Face Tavern.

And hey, it’s tomato time. Curious Blogquat offers
a vodka tomato recipe that looks purty tasty. And I just happen to have all the ingredients right here. Yum.
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