Governors Will Be Governors

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Governors will be Governors
Remember? He lost that Commerce Secretary gig with Obama because of this investigation.
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Man, even the L.A. Times has something on Gov. Bill Richardson’s “vindication.” He was stoked yesterday and sent out a “I knew all along” news release. But not everybody’s feeling him on that.

Know who else sounds dubious? Lt. Gov. Diane Denish. She says:

“Assuming news reports are accurate this is good news for the people of New Mexico. But the fact remains that public confidence has been eroded by the numerous investigations into possible wrongdoings by other government officials. We need strong ethics reform to make state government more open and accountable and I will continue to lead that fight.”

That probably wasn’t the vote of complete confidence Richardson’s camp was looking for. Them’s fightin’ words. And pretty campaign-y.

Speaking of, Denish’s opponent Republican Janice Arnold-Jones is holding an
announcement rally at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel on Sunday from 4-6 p.m.

It’s rad that the next guv will probably be a woman.
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