The Alibi Just Won’t Shut Up

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
The Alibi Just WonÕt Shut Up
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Every year, the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico hosts a Bill of Rights celebration. The organization hands out awards to dedicated civil libertarians in the state.

This year, we were proud to receive the First Amendment Award. Executive Director Peter Simonson wrote this about us: “The
Weekly Alibi —in addition to having its finger on the pulse of the city’s arts, culture, cuisine and entertainment—provides a steady stream of news and in-depth analysis of such key civil liberties struggles as the movement for gay and lesbian equality and the defense of free speech.”

At the ceremony, they projected some of our covers and stories onto a screen. Many of them were from before my time here.

I get caught up in the grind of chasing down stories and filling news pages. By the time the article hits the stands, I’m gnawing on the next one. But to look at the work this paper’s done as a body had an impact on me. I’m just another writer with another story in a long chain. But it’s a sturdy chain, and one I’m proud to be a part of.

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