The Daily Word 11.26.09: Bruce Lee, Cuba And Krispy Kreme.

Nick Brown
1 min read
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Cuba told Chavez to send Iran a hug, then began preparing for the inevitable invasion by the US.

Some ponder the implication of those damning
climatologist emails.

Tiger Woods was injured in a car crash, reportedly high on golf.

Bullets fly in Florida at a decidedly
unhappy Thanksgiving.

John Edward Jones
died in Nutty Putty Cave.

Godfather of Spam goes to prison.

A mysterious couple with foreign-sounding names managed to
crash a White House party.

There was a fatal
car smash on I-40.

Krispy Kreme is coming back to Albuquerque and looking to hire 60 donutpeople.

It’s Bruce Lee’s birthday. Here he is playing
ping pong.
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