The Daily Word 12.14.09: Suicide, Cattle Mutilations And Nostradamus

Nick Brown
1 min read
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A London subway announcer suggested that passengers kill themselves.

mailmen are hiding the mail.

cattle mutilations continue.

Here are the
10 most expensive movies ever made.

Giant Menorah attacks NYC.

Eagles beat the Giants.

They have a
bionic eye prototype now.

Natialie Portman will star in
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Adam Gadahn offers
al Qaeda’s condolences.

Google Phone is coming.

James Cameron has a bad temper.

There are
signs of life on the moon.

A Rio Rancho
cop shot a guy last night.

Stephen Hilla:
arrested in Florida.

Here’s a new program called “
Cops for Kids.” I swear I didn’t make that up.

It’s Nostradamus’ birthday. Here is part of
a show about him and 2012. Warning: I didn’t watch the clip I linked to because I thought it would be boring. Not really, I watched part of it. It was boring.

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