Delicious And Easy Teriyaki Chicken Recipe

Nick Brown
1 min read
Delicious and Easy Teriyaki Chicken Recipe
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This recipe for teriyaki chicken is a free adaptation of Chris Johnson’s barbecue chicken recipe, and similar to Burl Lugo’s spicy chicken.

1) At about 7:00 p.m., put a large chicken thigh in the
little crockpot you bought from Walgreen’s for $9.99.

2) Add a little teriyaki sauce. You don’t need much; you only need about as much as you’d put on the chicken thigh if you were going to eat it right then.

3) Cook it on low all night while you’re “
sleeping.” In the morning, stir it up with a fork and you have delicious shredded teriyaki chicken meat, suitable for eating on crackers or right out of the bowl. It’s a great way to say “fuck off” to the world. Did I just say that? I thought I was only thinking it.
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