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Duke City Derby will open the 2010 season in yet another venue. The league has scheduled six matches in the Albuquerque Convention Center, starting with the season-opener on Saturday, May 15. Location isn’t the only major change this season—in a bid to make matches more competitive, players on the league’s three Albuquerque-based teams ( Derby Intelligence Agency, DoomsDames and Ho-Bots) have been shuffled. Plus, a new team, hailing from Taos, will jump into the fray.The Taos Whiplashes will make their debut during the season-opener against a “fresh meat” squad of brand-new players that’s not an official DCD team. Whiplashes skater Conan the Librarian says the Taos team has attracted 19 skaters, who have been practicing three to four times a week since September. “We have a lot to learn still,” she says, and nearly all of the players are new to roller derby. However, she adds that the team has demonstrated exceptional speed and agility. These could provide the edge the Whiplashes need for a successful season. “If we can just get past [the other players], we should be OK,” she says. Muñecas Muertas skater and DCD spokesperson 67 Stitchez says the league will no longer field a squad in Santa Fe. “They just didn’t have enough interest in roller derby to keep the team going strong.” One former Santa Fe skater will play for Taos, and three more joined Albuquerque’s Ho-Bots. Stitchez says the league is hoping the new home arena will be permanent. “The Convention Center is so happy to have us, and they’ve been so helpful and amazing.” Led Zyppin says the Downtown location should be more convenient for fans than last season’s Santa Ana Star Center, which was in Rio Rancho. “Our fan base is really Albuquerque,” Stitchez agrees.Carson B. Demented says bouts should be more interesting this year since the teams have been restructured. “Even new fans are probably going to have a lot to watch because the teams are set pretty evenly.” Both captains and players have been redistributed among the teams.The 2010 season will begin with Albuquerque’s 21 st -ranked Muñecas Muertas and the fourth-ranked Denver Roller Dolls. Stitchez says that Muñecas players hope to maintain their national ranking. “We made it a priority: We cannot drop out of the top 25.”
All bouts will be held in teh Convention Center’s East Hall May 15 Muñecas Muertas vs. Denver Roller Girls Whiplashes vs. Newbies June 19 D.I.A. vs. DoomsDamesWhiplashes vs. Ho-Bots July 18 Whiplashes vs. D.I.A.DoomsDames vs. Ho-Bots Aug. 14 Ho-Bots vs. D.I.A.Whiplashes vs. DoomsDames Oct. 2 Championship game Oct. 30 (Tentative)Matchups subject to changeTickets: $12 online at, $15 at the door, $10 UNM students with Lobo I.D., 12 and under freeDoors open at 4:45 p.m. on May 15 and between 5 and 6 p.m. at all other