Vote Tomorrow!

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
( Thruhike98 )
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If you’re a registered Republican or Democrat, get yourself down to the polls tomorrow to vote in the primary.

After all the attention on Arizona’s SB 1070 (and the political gains for the state’s Republicans talking about the law), immigration became a hot topic in N.M.’s election.

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, the Dems’ contender, said she opposed Arizona’s plan to have law enforcement check the immigration status of anyone violating any law or ordinance in the AZ.

The Republican candidates for governor opine otherwise.

Pete Domenici Jr. says we need a state law similar to Arizona’s to standardize the process in New Mexico.

Allen Weh says he would sign a bill like our neighbor’s if the Legislature in Santa Fe passed one.

Susana Martinez says law enforcement should be allowed to ask for documentation when arresting someone.

Janice Arnold-Jones says we must secure the borders, and she will uphold the law.

Doug Turner says technology should be able to help stop illegal immigration, and that the federal government should be responsible for it.

Read the
full article.

For sample ballots and voter info, go to or call (505) 827-3600. To find your polling location in Bernalillo County, go to or call 468-1291.

Join us at tomorrow evening as we live-blog the primary election along with the New Mexico Independent.
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