Aerosmith Plays The Lottery

Jessica Cassyle Carr
1 min read
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After enjoying chile dishes at Duran’s Central Pharmacy this afternoon, my husband and I were cruising around the pharmacy, shopping for chocolate and greeting cards when he spotted a lotto vending machine stocked with Aerosmith scratchers. We scoffed at Aerosmith’s commercial masochism and the low quality of the band’s post-’80s material for a full two minutes, then broke down about bought a ticket.

And guess what: We won $15—well, $10 after you count the cost of the ticket. What will I do to celebrate? Post a video for “Sweet Emotion,” of course. (I might also dig up my tight, ripped Levi’s and pair them with a scarf and faded black and white band shirt.) I actually sort of like this song—the intro is especially nice. There’s a confusing phone sex subplot happening in the video, but otherwise the faux barroom antics and Steven Tyler’s bear trap-sized mouth shot in classic ‘80s high contrast black and white isn’t too bad.
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