Council Watch: Calling All Sentinels

Carolyn Carlson
2 min read
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More than 100 people have taken advantage of the city’s anonymous fraud-reporting program. The Efficiency, Stewardship and Accountability hotline is supposed to encourage people to report concerns and deter wasteful spending. City Inspector General Janet McHard told the Council at its Wednesday, Sept. 8 meeting that the new program is gathering reliable information.

“The tip line has been widely successful,” McHard said. “And we want it to continue.”

Though the hotline has received 103 tips since July 1, McHard said a huge obstacle is getting employees to feel OK about reporting fraud. “People don’t like to tattletale or be known as a snitch or
whistleblower. Those are highly charged emotional words,” she said. “We have to help them overcome that.” To diffuse the language, some businesses are using the term “corporate sentinel,” she says.

The Efficiency, Stewardship and Accountability program also offers bonuses of up to $1,000 to employee teams that come up with workable plans to reduce waste. McHard said she has been receiving some great ideas. The bonus money is spent by the employees on department improvements.

Inspector General McHard acts independently to sniff out waste and abuse by city employees, officials, venders or contractors. Her position is not controlled by either the mayor or the Council. She does not poke around in agencies that have their own oversight, such as the police department.

You can report waste, fraud or abuse through, by e-mailing or by calling 768-3721.

Council Watch:

The next city council meeting is set for Monday, Sept. 20.

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