Council Watch: Cars For Coppers

Carolyn Carlson
2 min read
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Police union president Joey Sigala had a last-minute Christmas wish for the City Council at its Monday, Dec. 20 meeting. He asked the Council to put a little something in the Albuquerque Police Department’s stocking and consider reinstating a take-home car policy. Sigala said the officers have offered to chip in $20 a week, which would generate about $187,000 annually to help offset the overall cost. He also said the plan to end the vehicle benefit for about 180 officers come Jan. 1 would cause financial hardship.

“What we are asking for is a stay of execution,” he said.

Chief Administrative Officer David Campbell said the car policy costs the city about $600,000 every year, so there would still be a $400,000 tab. Campbell said the city will sit down with the police union to see if finances have changed and if the numbers will support allowing take-home cars again in the future.

The Nob Hill Main Street Program is competing with about 1,300 other communities, vying for two awards worth about $250,000. Councilor Rey Garduño asked everyone to support the Pepsi Refresh competitive grant process. The money would add solar lights to the numerous alleys and clean up 30 city blocks of alleys, sidewalks and streets. Three murals are also part of the plan, as well as more informational signs. The awards will go to the top two communities showing the most support. Garduño said as of Dec. 20, Nob Hill was ranked about 135 in the competition. “That means we have a good chance,” Garduño said, “but we need more support.” You can click to vote each and every day at until just before midnight on Friday, Dec. 31.

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