Alibi Love Notes Return

2 min read
Alibi Love Notes return
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Remember when we used to do these back in, like, 1997? Before the interwebs gave us all free porn and music? When only birds could tweet? When cell phones were the size of a cinder block? Oh, you weren’t born yet? Well, here’s the scoop: Weekly Alibi is giving away free Love Notes to be printed (and, duh, made available online) in our Feb. 10 Valentine’s issue. All you need to do is submit your message (25 words or less) by noon on February 2. Then sit back and wait for your sweetie to reciprocate.

The rules:

• Do not call the Weekly Alibi office. We never answer the phone anyway.

Alibi Love Notes are in no way associated with the personals. ( These are our personals.)

• Please do not use your beloved’s last name. First names, initials and pet names (e.g. “Smootchy-kins” or “Cream-puffins”) are fine.

• This is a forum for lovers only, not haters. If you’ve got something nasty to say, don’t waste our time. And please, no stalkers. (Stalkers, read that last line again.)

Weekly Alibi assumes no responsibility for broken hearts, misunderstandings, false promises, STDs or unwanted pregnancies; we’ve got problems of our own.

• Twenty-five (25) words is the limit for each Love Note. Our computer will count for you, but it won’t spellcheck. (Hmm, is spell-check hyphenated?)

Submit your Love Notes here!
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